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Train The trainer (ttt) - two days

As a trainer, getting a group of people in front of you on side, engaged, and willing to keep an open mind and learn something new is undeniably a skill.


You may have experienced what it feels like as trainer where:

  • You feel out of your depth because there may be people more knowledgeable than you are, present in the room

  • One particular attendee is historically difficult and they influence others to be challenging too

  • You may not find the subject matter particularly interesting yourself


Yet, in your training experience, you may have also experienced a fantastic feeling of collaboration and mutual interest with a group of people in front of you.

Great trainers manage to leave course attendees feeling educated, inspired and excited about applying the things they have learnt. This feeling tends to stay with attendees for a long time.

“This was a great investment of time”

“The best course I have been on in years”

“Kept my attention like no one else for… over 3 days!”

These comments are a small selection of the type of things you might / have been fortunate enough to hear from your course attendees.


Learning and Development of others and of ourselves is a fascinating subject.


During your attendance of this two-day Train the Trainer Course, we will ask you to “come off auto pilot” and examine your attitude, knowledge and skill level with other fellow trainers in the room.

We want all fellow trainers to recognise that there is a clearly a difference between “knowing a training technique and demonstrating such a technique”

The subject matter for this Learning Event is extensive as we deliver different subjects to such diverse audiences.


You could be a:

  • Health and Safety Trainer

  • Product Specialist Trainer

  • Technical Trainer (IT or Engineering focused)

  • HR Professional

  • A Manager who wants to develop their teams through training


This TTT learning event is flexible enough to accommodate your unique requirements.


On the morning of day one we will ask you for your unique reasons for attending this Train the Trainer course, we will then list these items up on the flip chart to be reviewed throughout our time together.

You will feel challenged, motivated and ultimately rewarded over these two days. Your participation, experimentation of training techniques will be treated with absolute respect and dignity.


By the end of this course you will be able to:


  • Conduct effective TNA (training needs analysis)

  • Plan and prepare for training including session plans and PowerPoint

  • Engage your unique audience so well that they don’t want to disengage

  • Take a dry subject and make it much more interesting

  • Handle difficult behaviours effectively in the room

  • Handle questions with ease

  • Develop a powerful presentation delivery style that looks / sounds confident and is authentic to you

  • Explore how your audience learns

  • Manage the timings throughout training

  • Develop strategies for you to handle your nerves to ensure you actually enjoy the time you have with your participants

  • Blood out of stone audience (they are too quiet) or too talkative (to the point of taking control so we lose control at times) In either case we will explore and agree hard hitting methods that make it “very difficult for the audience to be difficult” 

  • Post training support / coaching for your attendees

The perfect complimentary Learning event to TTT:

  • Coaching Skills

  • Presentation Skills

  • Assertiveness

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