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LEEP Management Development Programme 

Lead | Enable | Empower | People


The LEEP MDP is a robust, flexible learning experience specifically designed for Managers and leaders. The programme allows all managers to explore and agree key skills that will help them Lead with more impact, Enable and Empower their unique People and themselves, and personally feel more composed and in control as a manager. The LEEP Programme has a modular format with transferrable learning in mind, ensuring that each attendee follows a logical and often awakening learning journey and feels inspired to improve their performance throughout the programme and beyond.

Coaching is an integral part of this programme as Managers will be asked to apply their newfound learning within their live environment throughout the programme supported by Razza Zar and their immediate Line Management. The LEEP programme is challenging, supportive and massively rewarding. To ensure all managers are able to gain as much insight and value from their experience, attendee numbers are capped at 10 managers per LEEP MDP.


LEEP is specifically designed to increase the application of new skills that managers acquire in the training room. The Programme is different from many other Management development courses, as it will ask each individual to complete their actions (assignments) within an agreed time frame and demonstrate the learning where it counts. All managers are accountable for their development and work closely with their manager and the trainer to ensure real gains are transferred.

The LEEP Programme benefits include:

  • Encouraging strong management team collaboration that removes “silo mentality” and focuses minds and bodies when your organisation is experiencing change

  • Help all Managers to recognise their organisation unique culture and how they are a critical vehicle to encourage strong team motivation and actions that will enable their organisation to achieve long term success

  • Communication Focus – All managers will be expected to communicate / cascade key messages from Senior Management and brief their teams with desired effect. The LEEP experience will help all managers to qualify “what needs to be communicated and what needs to be held back and further qualified”

  • Cohesive Leadership Approach – A “team of Managers” that speak with consistency and have the right balance of empathy and assertion with their teams

  •  A robust Leadership programme that helps Managers see and feel a return on investment

  • Support coaching to ensure continuity of actions agreed (not a “big brother” exercise)

  • Senior / Line Management and HR involvement from the start to develop a joined up approach throughout the programme


The LEEP Approach

Zar Training Limited recommends the following approach to address the unique requirements of your Managers. This approach will ensure all Managers are able to appreciate the context of this learning intervention and how they will benefit for the short, medium, to long term.

Process Description:

  • Research and LEEP positioning

  • Tailor and Prepare Materials

  • Learning Event Delivery (Modular Approach)

  • Post Module Coaching and Support

Research and LEEP Positioning - One Day

This part of the engagement is vital as it will allow Razza Zar to meet with all relevant Managers to understand their unique default approach to their roles as Managers, and what impact this default currently has. It is also a great opportunity to help position all learning interventions with Managers and answer any unique questions / reservations or requests that they may have. This level of research will help ensure that all learning events and accompanying coaching are contextually sound and address specific requirements.

Tailor and Prepare Materials - Two Days

Following the Research and Needs Analysis workshops, Razza Zar will prepare the necessary course materials with the data collected from the research in mind. This will ensure that the learning events to be delivered are relevant and unique to the needs of all managers at your organisation, ensuring that each individual attending feels engaged and keen to apply learning / strategy in real world terms.

LEEP Learning Events delivery (Modular Approach, one module delivered every 4 - 6 weeks)

These thought provoking and insightful Learning Events will allow all Mangers to become increasingly self aware and the impact they currently have on both their own teams and other internal / external customers.

The delivery style within the classroom will be PowerPoint free with minimal use of workbooks, placing focus on the real issues that managers face daily. All practical activities will be “real world” specific to Managers and action focussed. The actions will be agreed at the end of each learning event to be reviewed at the next scheduled coaching session.

Post Module Coaching and Support

Following attendance of each LEEP Programme Module, individual Managers will be personally coached and supported by Razza Zar at site or Video conference ensuring that the learning explored gathers the appropriate momentum and is utilised with frequency. During each coaching session, actions will be reviewed from the previous coaching session and new actions agreed for the following months coaching sessions. This momentum will ensure that Managers do not go to negative default and are able to evidence the benefits of their renewed approach with their coach.

This on-going bespoke coaching will also allow the Managers to examine with their coach, relevant documentation, email content / structure, dealing with unique requests, and how to best approach these unique situations. The coaching will be unique to each individuals learning style and provide a powerful space for the managers to transform their current approach and achieve the desired results they want.


I would recommend 1-hour Post Module Coaching Support sessions per manager (max of 5 managers per day)


LEEP MDP Process:

The following module titles are “not set in stone” additional titles are available and all titles can be delivered with varying priority and duration.


LEEP MDP Process


Research One day


Module One - Mastering Communication - One day


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Two - Effective Management and Leadership - One-day


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Three - Coaching for Performance - Two days


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Four - Presentation / Briefing Skills - Two days


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Five - Conflict Management - One day


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Six - Influential Meetings  - Two days


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Seven - Change - One Day


Coaching and Support – 1 day


Module Eight - Managing Multiple Tasks - One Day


Coaching and Support – 1 day


*Awards ceremony Final Presentations to Line Management and Human Resources Half day)


*Certificates to be jointly branded by Your Organisation / Zar Training Limited and signed by Senior Management and Razza Zar

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