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effective management and leadership - ONE DAY

This Module will ensure that all Managers are able to gain a strong understanding of key management and leadership principles that underpin their unique roles. The learning event will fundamentally look at your role as a manager and the key skills that are required to both manage one’s self and lead motivate / inspire our respective teams.

My Current Management Approach:

All Managers will be initially asked to present what their role currently involves on a day / week / monthly basis and share some of the barriers they may be facing.

We will also acknowledge the breadth of extensive knowledge and experience that currently exists within the team. We want to further identify the aspects of current approach that are having a remarkable effect and those that require enhancement.

The Future - Moving forward:

During the day we will use the following methodologies to help all agree the primary focus that they need: Creating a Team Charter (ways of working together, this is built by the team for the team), Attitude, Skills and Knowledge, and People, Process and Technology. These elements will be explored by all to agree and understand how their personal attitude will drive the appropriate behaviour, whilst the behaviour that they demonstrate will often be mirrored by others in their respective teams. We will also understand where their current focus truly is through the use of People, Process and Technology.

Managers will quickly understand the difference between “Managing to Leading”, what it means to have the presence and mind to live true leadership.  This event will have an undeniable positive effect on how a manager is able to see themselves as a driver of performance and a model of excellence.

Module benefits will include:

  • Understanding the role of a Manager

  • Managing ME – The ability to Manage one’s self

  • Managing YOU – The ability to manage our respective teams and others who may not be direct reports

  • Agree team management strategies 

  • Ensure a collaborative approach with other departments

  • Agreeing / demonstrating attitudes and behaviours that set a bench mark for excellence

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