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Interview skills for managers  

two modules available


Interview Skills for Managers is available as two separate modules with the option of a follow-up coaching session or review day to ensure all learning has been utilised within the live environment with success


  • Module One - Preparing to Recruit (Two Days)


  • Module Two - Conducting a Professional Fair and Consistent Interview (Two Days)


  • Post Course Coaching / Post Course Review Day


Both modules and follow-up:


  • Are Interactive and Engaging (free of any PowerPoint)


  • Your world specific - all exercises and discussions will reflect your unique recruitment / interview requirements


  • Will allow you to explore, identify and agree recruitment and interview ideas that are both tangible and transferable to your live environment


  • Provide you with an opportunity to apply your learning throughout our time together “Knowing a new technique is one thing, Demonstrating it is another”


  • Will challenge, question and qualify (with respect) current approaches to recruitment and interview technique within your company


Post Course Coaching / Post Course Review day


These activities are the perfect compliment to the above modules, as they will allow you to sanity check what has worked in the live environment and fine-tune those approaches that still require attention.


Key benefits to you:

  • Greatly increase the likelihood that you will recruit the most qualified candidate

  • Gain confidence when conducting interviews

  • Improve core communication skills and eliminate bad interviewing habits

  • Generate positive impression with candidates

  • Assess all candidates objectively in a fair and equal way

  • Question and probe to elicit evidence of specific competencies you require

  • Build rapport and trust with interviewees quickly

  • Apply an understanding of social styles to the interview process

Module One - Preparing to Recruit

Duration - Two Day


In order to have the right calibre / shortlist of high quality candidates available for interview, we need the right processes in place at a much earlier stage.

If for example you are briefing a recruitment agency to search for such candidates, then quite often the brief we provide to this agency needs to have the desired impact. To brief the agency of our exact requirements, we need the right job description and just as importantly a comprehensive person specification that gives a strong insight into the type of candidate we require.


When we are presented with likely candidates from an agency, we also need to telephone interview / screen with both efficiency and quality. This part of the process is also quite a skill to develop.


During this informative learning event you will have an opportunity to decipher what is working for you during this critical time and what clearly needs improvement. In order to make the best use of our time together during these two days, it is vital that you bring along some key challenges you have faced or are likely to face.

When we get this part of the recruitment process right, we will have a strong pool of great quality candidates to choose from to take onto formal interview stage.   


This learning event will address all of the objectives below and very importantly your unique reasons for attending. All personal / group objectives will be explored and listed at the start of the day and reviewed at the end of the module.

Minimum amounts of hand-outs will be provided. What ever is provided will be contextual and something you can actively take to the live environment and apply.

We ask you to come prepared with strong areas of personal objectives for this learning event.


By the end of this course you will be able to:


  • Define key competencies that are valuable for the role 

  • Identify type of person I am looking for

  • Define who needs to be involved in the assessment and interviewing process

  • Understand what an Assessment Centre is and how I can I tailor this to work for our organisation

  • Write a Job description / Person specification and understand what the difference is between the two

  • Brief Recruitment Agencies with Impact and clarity

  • Prepare and conduct effective Telephone Screening Interviews that challenge / qualify candidates and provide a high quality pool of these candidates to take forward for interview




Module Two - Conducting a Professional Fair and Consistent Interview


Duration - Two Days


Many of us have conducted job interviews over the years with varying success as managers or we have no experience in this area at all.


Maybe the candidate we interviewed performed really well in their interview, and then lacked the qualities they promised they had!

Or we hired a candidate that performed even better than we expected, they simply got very nervous during their interview.


Conducting Job interviews for us as managers can at times feel like a daunting task where a number of items need to be carefully considered.


Some of the items that may affect our confidence can include:


  • Do I understand the key competencies required of the candidate clearly and have the appropriate questions to evidence these competencies?

  • How good are my questions? Are they leading, confusing, too long, not targeted enough?

  • If I am part of a panel, how do I make this work?

  • Can I anticipate and answer any unique or technical questions clearly from the candidate? (Handling questions)

  • How do I capture valuable information on my notes whilst being attentive?

  • How do I deal with a situation where the candidate displays arrogant behaviour or is otherwise difficult to deal with?

  • What if I sense this person is very qualified yet they appear to be extremely nervous when it comes to “job interviews”, how do I make them feel more at ease so I may get the best from them?


The answers to these questions along with many more insights will be provided for you during this immersive and thought provoking learning event, which will accommodate the needs of both experienced and non experienced managers.


We will carefully examine the current approach you take to interviewing and provide you with tangible and transferable alternatives where required that increase your personal confidence.

Ultimately we want to conduct a Professional, fair and consistent competency based interview that provides us with a very qualified individual that’s a great fit for both our team and the organisation.


This learning event will address all of the objectives listed below and very importantly your unique reasons for attending. All personal / group objectives will be explored and listed at the start of the day and reviewed at the end of the module.

Minimum amounts of hand-outs will be provided. What ever is provided will be contextual and something you can actively take to the live environment and use.

We ask you to come prepared with strong areas of personal objectives for this learning event.


By the end of this course you will be able to:


  • Prepare to interview, Reading and analysing the CV

  • Agree a strong yet flexible framework to structure the Interview?

  • Identify the right types of questions to evidence a variety of competencies and how do I use them

  • Capture key information during the interview

  • Assess and evaluate the candidate’s presentation and confidence?

  • Conduct wash up sessions after the interviews with other members of the panel to identify best possible candidate or short list to the next stage 

  • Increase my personal effectiveness / communication style and presence during the interview

  • Manage my nerves and help the candidate also feel more at ease

  • Interview successfully when I am part of a panel of interviewers

  • Observe and interpret the body language of the candidate and react accordingly

  • Anticipate the top 3 questions I am likely to be asked by the candidate and have a strong / professional well communicated response

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